Tuesday 6 September 2011

Ready Meals

It's funny I've seen more foxes while living in the city of London than I ever saw while living in northern Ontario in Canada. It must be the readily available meals in the form of discarded chicken nuggets by the lads out on the lash.

Tuesday 19 July 2011

Guitar Dog

I feel like a dog
shakin' the blues
I play my guitar
got nutin' to lose
I won't go far
I know dat's true
I'm a guitar dog.

Tuesday 5 July 2011

Sad Eye Guitar Boy

I've always loved the sad eyed kids from the 60's.While my parents shopped I would hang around the art section at K-mart. I wondered why they were so sad the prints by Keane, Eden, Lee and others.

now available at Zazzle


Tuesday 28 June 2011

Panda Man

Do you remember the first time when your eyes saw through the facade? When innocence faded?
I remember at a carnival seeing past the flashing lights and swirling colours into the eyes of darkness.

Thursday 23 June 2011

Urban Mona

I wonder, if Leonardo Da Vinci was born in east LA in the later part of the twentieth century what would his art be like? Would he be an outrageous tattoo artist who invented a new type of tattoo gun? Would he spend his evenings tagging and bombing crazy throw ups?


Wednesday 22 June 2011

Guitar Girl

Just an illustration of a girl playing guitar made with a ballpoint pen and coloured in photoshop.